3 ways to spring-clean your career

spring clean your career

Spring is here. It’s time for a career spring clean. This could be to review what you do at work to make some productive changes. Or it could mean developing your career with learning or promotion. Or it might mean changing your career so you are happier at work.

Spring often signifies a fresh start, rebirth and renewal. The long winter has finished and it is time to renew and refresh. Spring cleaning is normally referred to as the practice of giving your house a though cleanout. But spring cleaning is not just for your home. It is also great for your career.

Rather than getting stale, stuck and bored with your work, why not review your career to give it a sort out and fresh perspective? This could mean refreshing your career through spring cleaning your work environment and tasks you do. Or, reviewing and developing your career through further learning or skills development. Or maybe it is a change of job or a total change of career. Whatever you choose, having a refresh will put a spring in your step.

Here are 3 ways to spring clean your career:

  1. Refresh your career

Your environment

clean work space

Whether you work from home or in a place of work, having an organised workspace can help reduce overwhelm.

You might find having a messy desk leads to a messy mind. Having piles of paper and flies all around you gives you a constant reminder of the work you have to do and can lead to overwhelm. It is easier if you have an organised office space where you can easily find things and are able to think clearly. Spring clean your workspace from unnecessary paperwork or an excess of things on your desk and in your drawers.

Research has shown that your environment has an impact on your well being. So, make space for things that give you joy and happiness. This could be a photo of a great memory or a colourful pot plant. Find something to make you smile every morning.


Your technology

When was the last time you had a sort out of your computer and phone? Removing unused apps and files and decluttering your inbox of unwanted emails can be very refreshing.

Your career tools

Updating your LinkedIn profile and your CV with your latest experiences and achievements is a useful practice.

Use this checklist to ensure you have everything you need on your CV:

2. Reenvigerate your career

Develop your career

When was the last time you took a long hard look at your career and what you do?

Developing and managing your career involves regular career reviews. You might have regular appraisals or personal development plans at work but more and more organisations are leaving career planning to individuals, rather than taking ownership of your career for you.

One way to reinvigorate what you do is to spring clean your daily tasks. Write down all the tasks you do at work in your day, month and year. Then categorise them into what you want to do more and what you want to do less of.

For things you want to do less of, think about how you can do them differently or delegate them to someone who enjoys those tasks. Are there things that you really do not like doing? Try doing them first thing in the morning to get them out of the way. Rethink how you view those tasks. Not as being a chore but make it a competition with your self to see how well or quickly you can do them.

For the tasks you want to do more of, work out how to craft more of those tasks into your work. Are there other projects you can get involved in? Make a list of possible ways to include more of what motivates you at work.

For a career review try our free Career and Personal Development Plan Workbook:

Do you want help to reinvigorate and revitalise your career to be happier at work? Read our blog 101 ways to be happier at work to get some career ideas:

Whether that is developing your career, helping with future career planning, gaining a promotion or, knowing what your strengths are, contact Diana here:

3. Renew your career

If you want a fresh start it might be time to renew your career. This could mean a change of job or even a change of career. A change of job might involve doing the same thing you did before for a different company. Or it might mean changing careers in a new direction. Try the quiz to see which one is best for you:

7 steps to love the work you do career change programme

If you want a fresh start, are unhappy in your career and want a change of direction and you are thinking of a career change, have I have developed a career change programme that will help you to make an informed choice about your future direction.

Find out more about The 7 Steps to Love the Work You Do Career Change Programme below or contact me now to arrange a free of charge discovery call.

Find out more about career coaching by arranging a zoom or telephone call with Diana:

I am Diana Dawson, Founder of Working Career. As a Professional Career Coach, Career Psychologist, Career Counsellor, Career Consultant, Executive Coach and Wellbeing at Work Coach, I work with organisations and individuals to help manage their careers.

I am an Accredited Master Coach with the Association for Coaching, a Coaching Psychologist and Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist with nearly 20 years of experience in the field.

I work with professional people from different sectors and backgrounds to cope and flourish at work. I also run Career Workshops and Wellbeing Workshops for organisations.

I can provide one-to-one career coaching in Edinburgh or zoom sessions worldwide. I can provide Career Workshops at your organisation or remotely. Find out more about me here


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